Sunday, June 28, 2015

First Things First: An Introduction

Confessions of a College Girl With Too Much Time On Her Hands 

I never thought I’d be the blogging type. And then I found myself outside by my very-suburban pool, scrolling through tumblr, drinking coffee (yes I know it’s 85 degrees) out of my monogrammed mug and journaling about my morning (see above for very artsy visual) and I realized that I am pretty much the world’s most ideal blogger: a college girl with way too much time on her hands that enjoys making everyday life into a melodramatic saga. I narrate my life in my head on a daily basis, so why not do it for the world?

First Things First: An Introduction

My name is Emily, I hail from the lovely, lake-filled land of Minnesota, and, being on summer vacation from college, I have endless hours to contemplate my life’s worth. I’m a self-diagnosed hypochondriac and I love pugs, button downs, Ralph Lauren, Caribou Coffee, and hair bows. My favorite activities include anything a soccer mom would love, reading, pretending I’m artsy, and making (and subsequentially eating) food.

Blogging Requisite #1: OOTD 

Today’s OOTD features my trusty Vera Bradley lanyard, because who says only the freshmen can look this cool? Plus I ran about 500 errands and you can’t beat your neck when looking for a place to store something without losing it 5 minutes later

Also featured: my parent’s bed,  because it turns out their mirror is both superior in size and lighting to mine.

Theme of the Day

Today, I chose the hipster life.

Most days, I pick a “theme of the day” to describe my activities and general outlook on my future. Today, it’s hipster. But in the poser “basic white girl tries to be a hipster” cliché way that only a true suburban girl can pull off.

I started out at local coffee shop (Okay, it was Caribou Coffee), bought an iced coffee, and sat on my laptop for three hours, basking in free wifi glory, without buying another item.

Then, feeling especially studious, I drove over to my local bookstore (does Barnes & Noble count as local?) bought myself a leather-bound journal and splurged on my brand-new, leather-bound planner for next year. Because you’re all dying to see them, I’ve included a picture above, although if we’re being honest with each other – which I hope we are – the journal is really my old journal that happens to be the same as the one I just bought, only older and written in. Hence the need for a new journal.

Anywho, my day continued when I returned home and made myself lunch.
           Side note: this lunch is gourment deliciousness. PB and Strawberry 
           quesadilla (pronounced kās – a – dill – a) with cinnamon greek yogurt 
          dipping sauce. Picture included, because for you to experience my life the 
           way I know you want to, you need to see this masterpiece.

At this point, feeling ready to take on the world,  I brought said lunch outside and decided to start this blog. If blogging isn’t the perfect way to complete my hipster day, I don’t know what is. Everyone lift your handcrafted mug and say “cheers” to sharing in my future successes, failures, and general day-to-day oddities.